An awesome author, uses full stops at the end of sentences. She sounds out her words to make sure she can spell them correctly. She also uses finger spaces between the words.
We are learning to engage in positive relationships with others.
We focus on developing the following key competencies:
Relating to others
Using language, symbols and text
Managing self
Participating and contributing
Student reflection from a Discovery session: “I went to the gardens and dug out all the
weeds. I watered the garden and look
after the strawberries and the vegetables.”
A good reader looks carefully at the words and use their voice to make their reading interesting. They ask themselves if what they have read makes sense.
If you look at your graph, what can you tell me about it?
There are 6 happy people, because their houses are still safe after the earthquake. There are 2 sad children because their houses got knocked over. 1 tired person, she had to run away because her house fell down. There are 2 surprised children because they saw a big crack in the road. The most are the happy children and the least are the tired children.
Teacher instruction: With this play dough, make something to show me what you know about conflict. Teacher question: What have you made to show me what you know about conflict?
At the beginning (before teaching):
Student reflection
Then - I thought . . .
I made lots of people sitting in a circle
and talking about what they like to do in the day.
At the end:
Student reflection
Now - I know . . .
My person is fighting with the snake, because the snake is trying to bite him. That is my conflict.